Blood Laws
SolGen invokes Harry Potter house Slytherin in David v. Poe comment :
"One must therefore be similarly mindful of the almost-comical scale with which we are scrutinizing the purity of [Poe's] blood, as if purity of blood were a standard for capacity to govern—as if our nation belonged to House Slytherin; and this scrutiny assumes an ironic twist when considered against the backdrop of our aggressive attempts to justify the Filipino citizenship of others just so we may, as a nation, improve our athletic or cultural profile," chided the OSG in point 69 of its response.
It's not about whether or not an office (or a court) supports a particular candidate. Rulings on constitutional law are not just about apportioning the rights of parties. They reach into values that define us as a people. A genetic standard for citizenship will take us into a place far, far darker than House Slytherin: