ON DECK: Sending out some important emails, and then diving back to drafting the policy note on digital taxation.
INBOX: 49 unread messages. Partial backlog. Processed the backlog after getting the first draft of the LAE 2023 manual out.
ADMIN: This is now my default, on-the-go work environment. A Traveller’s Notebook for appointments, notes and zero drafts. The phone is a refurbished Blackberry 9930. I like the form factor and I am nostalgic about physical QWERTY keyboards. That and it makes me look like a wired political operator from Washington D.C. A lot of the functionality has disappeared since Research in Motion imploded. It can’t load apps from a central store, and it can’t connect to social media. All it can do is text and call.
The sparseness is by design. My new workflow is based on getting off the Internet’s algorithmic Pavlovian treadmill and working in (mostly) offline, distraction-free environments.