Sapporo 2018
Hello from Sapporo. I am writing this from what looks like a Showa-era hotel, trying to have a real vacation while everything falls apart around me.
Haven't been here in a while. Since my last update, I’ve been working on:
1. A paper on Philippine` Copyright law for a comparative law conference that will be held in the Philippines soon - DONE;
2. A paper on the pork barrel cases of the Supreme Court, to be presented before the IACL in Fukuoka - DONE;
3. A paper for the 2018 ASLI Conference in Korea, where I try to model the statutory definition of quasi-depicts using LKIF and Protégé. - DONE
4. Another paper for on ethical algorithms - and I don't even know where to begin, I mean what was I thinking when I submitted the abstract for this one. - DONE (sort of)
5. A paper on cryptocurrency regulations in the Philippines, hopefully to be published by the Law Center - DONE
6. Workshops and exercises for public health workers dealing with legal risks of implementing the RH law - DONE
7. A courseware package for Data Protection Officers - A package of lectures, exams, and exercises. - Still Pending
8. Chapters for an annotation of the draft federal constition, which we're supposed to pull out of the hat without transcripts of the consultative committee's deliberations - Status: 🤐
The new school year is opening and I have 6 classes full of bewildered, bewildering freshmen. I have a research load, possibly a new administrative post, a part time job as in-house lawyer, and who knows how many writing and coding projects. I try to cope with new gear: like a mechanical keyboard and smart speakers. It will be the dungeon for me, but at least the chains and the whip will be top notch.