The Rundown for December 31, 2022
One Hour of Medieval Eminem.
The Rise of User-Hostile Software - “We are truly living in an era of user-hostile software, and when I say “user-hostile” I mean it as “software that doesn’t really care about the needs of the user but rather about the needs of the developer.” And this is not a problem that is bound to a specific operating system (or version thereof) or class or computers. It’s literally cross-platform, and it follows customers from home, to office, to their commute.”
Looks like teen smoking is pretty much dead in the U.S., thanks to vaping -
Accounting framework for ESG-related transactions - “As ESG features become more pervasive in the market, alternative approaches to assessing ESG features could be introduced under US GAAP to alleviate the operational burden on companies when entering into green transactions.”
Checking out Research Rabbit, although I’m not sure where it will land in my research and writing workflow