So. A couple of weeks into the new year. I have a new job, new patterns to establish. Things have not yet coalesced into a workable routine that I can schedule around from, so no crazy trips and projects for now.
My brain is still stuck in former patterns. For three years, the task has been the composition and decomposition of arguments. I was in the argument business, peddling premises and conclusions that would justify my governments acts. It's always been a tough job. Every government is monstrous in its own way. But man, I miss the sweet deceptive pretense to the rule of law. So good luck to the new kids.
Then for one year, my pattern was to write this exhilarating and exhausting bit of thesis about transaction security, and read books and attend classes in between. So now I take odd legal jobs that will require me to write long form text, and I take online classes because we are what we do often enough.